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solidThinking Inspire allows design engineers, product designers and architects to investigate structurally efficient concepts quickly and easily. This can lead to reduced costs, development time, material consumption, and product weight.
Traditional structural simulations allow engineers to check if a design will support the required loads. Inspire enhances this process by generating a new material layout within a package space using the loads as an input. The software is easy to learn and works with existing CAD tools to help design structural parts right the first time, reducing costs, development time, material consumption, and product weight.
Check out all the features of solidThinking Inspire 2017 here
Inspire Workflow:
Step 1: Sketch or Import a Part
Step 2: Defeature the Part
Step 3: Contacts
Step 4: Assign Materials and Loads
Step 5: Generate Ideal Shape
Step 6: Refine with PolyNURBs
Step 7: Verify Performance
Step 8:
Step 8

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